About Sweet Morning Farm's RECIPE BLOG

Here you can find lots of recipes using seasonal, fresh garden vegetables and fruit, eggs, chicken and duck. Check it out, use the search tool to learn about unfamiliar items in your farm share, and find tasty recipes.  If you have questions about a particular vegetable or want hints about how to store or preserve your produce, just send us a message.  We are happy to help.
You are welcome to send us recipes and pictures to share.

And please, if you have any suggestions for preparing and preserving fresh vegetables, do share them!  
You may comment here or email the farm.

Thanks, and happy eating!
Laura, Robin & Ruth

Antipasto made with a base of romaine lettuce and escarole, topped with a wide array of meat, cheese, and vegetables.  Prepared by farm member, Ritchie Dimatteo.

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