Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rhubarb and Radishes

I don't have any particular hints or recipes of my own this week but I do have some links to some yummy sounding recipes elsewhere on the internet. Also, my friend Kiri made a beautiful meal featuring good bread with sweet butter and radishes and she said I could post a picture for you here.

So here goes:
Easy Rhubarb Jam
Rhubarb Cornmeal Cake
Custard with Rhubarb Sauce

And Kiri's beautiful meal:

Kiri said, "This was a great no-stove dinner for a hot night. Bulgur salad w/ mint, cilantro, chives, feta, roasted red peppers, cukes and arugula. Just lemon, olive oil, salt & pepper for dressing. The bread is whole wheat/oatmeal bread, spread with unsalted butter, sprinkled with Maldon sea salt, topped with easter egg radishes (shaved w/ mandoline). If my salad didn't have competing herbs I would have mixed some fresh thyme into the butter, too."

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